Compassionate Rules
Compassionate Rules
The University Council, in its 48th session dated 25/05/2009, approved the proposed final version of compassionate and grade elevation rules as follows:
A grade pool equivalent to a maximum of 3% of the total marks for all courses in a given year is allocated for all new students. This pool is to be fully utilized by the end of each academic year as follows:
Changing the student's academic status
Reducing the number of failed courses
The remaining grades from the pool are added to the total score of students who pass all their courses completely without any failures. The entire unused pool is added to the total score of students who do not benefit from the above criteria within the same academic year. When raising the marks of a course, the increase must not exceed 15% of the maximum marks for theoretical colleges and 10% for practical colleges. If prioritization is needed, the following criteria are applied:
The course closest to the passing mark
The course with the highest score in the written exam
The course with the lowest overall passing rate for the year
Students promoted with failed courses do not benefit from their year's remaining pool.
A maximum of 15% for theoretical colleges and 10% for practical colleges of the total marks for each course may be used to compensate for retake and loaded courses without affecting the grade pool of the student's enrolled year to simplify administrative processes.
Students repeating the year or those eligible to sit for exams externally are assigned a new grade pool for their year without utilizing any surplus.
Students absent with an acceptable excuse in all their courses are treated as new students.
The leniency grades are doubled for students facing final dismissal.
A fraction of a mark is rounded up, and an additional “joker” mark may be added to change the student’s status from "failing" to "passing with failed courses" or from "passing with a failed course" to "passing without failed courses."
For cumulative GPA calculations, a fraction of a mark is rounded up, and an additional 0.25% (maximum) of the total cumulative score may be added to raise the student's grade to the next classification. This was approved in the University Council’s 42nd session on 24/11/2008.
College and institute councils may implement decisions within the maximum limits of these Bylaws, ensuring alignment with internal bylaws. A fraction of half a mark is rounded up if it determines passing status.
Examination committees must be activated in all colleges and institutes.
Colleges must track and compile students' final total scores across all academic years, starting from the Preparatory or First Year. This regulation has been implemented since the academic year 2008/2009.