Academic degrees


The Faculty of Engineering at Shoubra, Benha University, awards distinguished academic degrees, including:

Bachelor of Science degrees
Master of Science degrees
Doctor of Philosophy degrees

in various engineering specialties.

Firstly: The Bachelor of Science degree, where the faculty awards the degree in the following specialties:


Awards Bachelor of science in:

Mechanical Engineering Department

Mechanical Power Engineering

Mechanical Design and Production Engineering.

Mechatronics Engineering

Electrical Engineering Department

Electrical Power and Machines Engineering

Communication and Electronics Engineering

Computer systems Engineering

Civil Engineering Department

Civil Engineering (General)

Civil Engineering (Structure)

Geomatics Engineering Department

Geomatics Engineering

Architectural Engineering Department

Architectural Engineering


Secondly:  Master of Science and Doctor of Philosophy degrees, where the faculty awards the degrees in the following specialties:


Awards The Master of Science and Doctor of Philosophy degrees in:

Mechanical Engineering Department

Mechanical Power Engineering

Mechanical Design and Production Engineering.

Mechatronics Engineering

Electrical Engineering Department

Electrical Power and Machines Engineering

Communication and Electronics Engineering

Computer systems Engineering

Civil Engineering Department

Construction Engineering

Hydraulics and Water Resources Engineering

Public Works Engineering

Geomatics Engineering Department

Geomatics Engineering

Architectural Engineering Department

Architectural Engineering

Basic Science Department

Engineering Mathematics


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