The Faculty of Engineering, Shubra, Benha University, aspires to be a leading Faculty at the national, regional and international levels ...


The Faculty of Engineering, Shubra, is committed to preparing graduates equipped with the competencies and problem-solving ...


The Faculty of Engineering in Shubra aims to graduate engineers in various specializations who are able to enhance the rapid development ...


Cooperation Protocol between Benha University and General Authority for Literacy and Adult Education

Cooperation Protocol between Benha University and General Authority for Literacy and Adult Education

         Dr\ Gamal El Saeed, Benha University President has signed a cooperation protocol with Dr\ Ashour Omary, the executive manager for General Authority for Literacy and Adult Education. The protocol was signed in presence of Major General / Abdul Hamid Al-Hagan, El Qalubia Governor and Prof.Dr\ Hussein El Maghraby, the University Vice-president for Education and Students' Affairs. El Saeed assured that the signed protocol comes from the Belief in the role of Benha University, its faculties, and research centers in participating in community service and developing the environment by contributing to national issues, and put an end to illiteracy, as it represents a real risk and obstacle to growth and development of Egyptian society.

Students' Exchange between Benha University and Suez University

Students' Exchange between Benha University and Suez University


     Prof.Dr\ Hussein El Maghraby, the University Vice-president for Education and Students' Affairs signed a protocol for students' exchange with Suez University which considered the first protocol in Egypt. The signed protocol comes in the frame of the submitted initiative by minister of high education about students exchange among Egyptian universities. The protocol included 20 student from each University most of them from medicine, engineering and veterinary medicine.                                                                                                             

Banha University announces Documentation of its Official Page and Warns against Fake Pages

Banha University announces Documentation of its Official Page and Warns against Fake Pages

Dr\ Gamal El Saeed, the University president announced documenting the official page of the University on Facebook in order to help students, staff and faculty members to keep in touch with the latest news through Facebook. El Saeed assured on taking all the legal regulations against fake pages and to follow the University news only on the following link;

El Saeed also thanked the media team office at Benha University for their great efforts and covering the various activities that organize by the University and its faculties.   

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