The Faculty of Engineering, Shubra, Benha University, aspires to be a leading Faculty at the national, regional and international levels ...


The Faculty of Engineering, Shubra, is committed to preparing graduates equipped with the competencies and problem-solving ...


The Faculty of Engineering in Shubra aims to graduate engineers in various specializations who are able to enhance the rapid development ...


El Gizawy inspects the Postgraduate Studies Exams

El Gizawy inspects the Postgraduate Studies Exams

Prof. Dr. Nasser El Gizawy, Benha University Vice-president for Post Graduate Studies and Researches ' Affairs has inspected the postgraduate studies exams at the faculty of education in the presence of Dr. Eman Abdel Haq, the faculty dean and vice-deans El Gizawy said that tour comes in the frame of reassuring the conduct of exams and the University precautionary measures to limit the spread of novel Corona Virus "Covid-19" On the other hand, El Gizawy also has inspected the postgraduate studies exams at the faculty of nursing and praised the faculty preparations for the exams.

El Saeed inspects the Aptitude Tests at the Faculty of Applied Arts

El Saeed inspects the Aptitude Tests at the Faculty of Applied Arts

Prof. Dr. Gamal El Saeed, Benha University President inspected the aptitude tests at the Faculty of Applied Arts yesterday in the presence of Dr. Abdel Moamen Shams, the Faculty Dean; Ms. Samia Abdel Hameed, the University Secretary General; and Mr. Refaat Nan, the University Assistant Secretary General for Administrative Affairs During his tour, the University President reassured that all the preventive and precautionary measures have been taken to ensure the safety of the students during the conducting of the aptitude tests El Saeed said that the University has completed all the preparations necessary for conducting the aptitude tests 2020/2021 for students holding secondary school certificate, its equivalent (Arab and foreign), and the technical certificates according to the time plan of the Supreme Council of Universities.

Ahlia Benha University needs to contract with Faculty Members and Assistants

Ahlia Benha University needs to contract with Faculty Members and Assistants

Ahlia Benha University (under foundation) announces for its desire to contract with faculty members (professor - assistant professor - lecturer) and assistants by assignment for 2 academic years to the faculties of (Engineering - Business Administration - Biological and Technological Science - Visual Arts and Design - Medicine). If anyone interest, he can submit his/her CV to the secretariat of the University Vice-president for Education and Students ' Affairs starting from Agust11 to 25, 2020.

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