The Faculty of Engineering, Shubra, Benha University, aspires to be a leading Faculty at the national, regional and international levels ...


The Faculty of Engineering, Shubra, is committed to preparing graduates equipped with the competencies and problem-solving ...


The Faculty of Engineering in Shubra aims to graduate engineers in various specializations who are able to enhance the rapid development ...


Benha university participates in the conference entitled “Moving forward to knowledge society and Egyptian innovation”

Benha university participates in the conference entitled “Moving forward to knowledge society and Egyptian innovation”

Prof.Dr. EL-Sayed EL-Kady participates in the two-day conference entitled “Moving forward to knowledge society and Egyptian innovation” that is organized by the committee of computer science and information technology in the supreme council of universities at Semarmis hotel in Cairo. This conference is held under the auspices of prof.Dr. Khalid Abd EL-Gafer, the minister of higher education, Eng, Yasser EL-kady, the minister of telecommunication and information technology and prof.Dr. Tarek Shawky, the minister of education.

Benha university president inspects the university’s hostels

Benha university president inspects the university’s hostels

In a sudden visit to the university’s hostels, prof.Dr. EL-Sayed EL-Kady inspects the hostels of the boys in Kafr-Saad to make sure that everything is up and running. He is accompanied by prof.Dr. Gamal Ismail and prof.Dr. Hesham Abu EL-Enin and prof.Dr. Gamal Sosa, the general supervisor of the university’s hostels.

“A regular meeting with the Omani students in Benha University” says EL-Kady in his meeting with the Omani cultural attaché in Cairo

“A regular meeting with the Omani students in Benha University” says EL-Kady in his meeting with the Omani cultural attaché in Cairo

Prof. Dr. El-Sayed EL-Kady, the university president hosts, in his office on wendesday morning, prof.Dr. Mona bent Mousa EL-zedgally, the Omani cultural attaché in Cairo. This meeting is attended by prof.Dr. Gamal Ismail and prof.Dr. Hesham Abu El-Enin, several faculties’ members and Mr. Wahid Khalawy, the general secretary of the university. This meeting discusses many Omani stduents related issues who study in Benha University.   

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