Displaying items by tag: Benha University

Benha University’s council, under the presidency of prof.Dr. El-Sayed El-Kady, the university president, approves on the report of prof.Dr. Gamal Abd EL-Aziz, the head of strategic planning unit in the university. This report is about holding forums to spread awareness among the employees to pay attention to the importance of the strategic plan of Benha University. These forums will begin in next September. 

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The executive bureau holds its meetings, on wendesday, under the presidency of prof.Dr. Gamal Abd El-Aziz, the head of the strategic planning unit. The meeting is attended by the unit’s chancellors, the committees’ secretaries and the heads of the strategic planning units in the university.

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Benha University’s delegation participates in Microsoft conference in the Nile Ritz hotel at Cairo on Monday, 20-3-2017 where the applications of Microsoft can be used in the university campus in the educational process. The conference is attended by prof.Dr. Nabil Hasan, the executive manager of the projects management administration in the ministry of higher education and Eng. / Tarek Ali, the ICTP official, prof.Dr. Ghazi Assasa, the executive manager of IT, prof.Dr. Lotfy Abu Salim, the head of the training project of IT, prof.Dr. Muhammad Muhammad Ghanem, the vice executive manager of IT, prof.Dr. Mazen Selim, the head of digital network, prof.Dr. Reda Omar, the Mis manger, prof.Dr.Shady EL-Mashad, the manager of the E-Portal and Eng. Ahmed Shibel, the engineer at the digital network.  

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In the frame of the societal role of Benha University, the university put all its medical potentials at the disposal of the state to provide a quality healthcare to the poisoned at Shubra-EL-Khima in the Qulubia governorate. The university president contacts with prof.Dr. Hesham Abu EL-Enin, the vice president of post-graduate studies, prof.Dr. Mahmoud Abd el-Sabour, the dean of the faculty of medicine and prof.Dr. Yosry EL-Saied, the manager of the university hospitals in order to contact the ministry of health and get the job well done.

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Benha University participates in Microsoft Developers conference 2017 at the American University in Cairo from18-3-2017 to 19-3-2017. The university is represented by prof.Dr. Ghazi Assasa, the executive manager of IT, prof.Dr. Islam Saharawi, the head of the E- Services unit, prof.Dr. Amr El-Awamry, the supervisor of the IT units, prof.Dr. Lotfy Abu Salim, the head of the training project of IT and Eng/ Ahmed Zagzog at the digital network. 

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Prof.Dr. EL-Sayed EL-Kady, the university president, inaugurates, on Monday morning, the first educational forum of the armed forces for the first time in the Egyptian universities. This forum is held in Benha University at the presence of colonel / El-Sayed Ghaly, the head of the veterans association, Colonel/ Khalid Mustafa, the leader of defense troops and the several of armed forces officers.

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Benha University organizes, in cooperation with special education and rehabilitation organization and the Islamic world council on disability and rehabilitation, an educational forum that is about the rights of the disabled in the Arab world in 16-8-2017. This forum is held under the auspices of prof.Dr. El-Sayed EL-kady, the university and at the presence of prof.Dr. Muhammad Bin Hamoud EL-Tareky, the head of the Islamic world council on disability and rehabilitation in the kingdom of Saudi Arabia. This forum comes in accordance with the Egyptian president’s initiative to make 2018 the year of the disabled in the Arab World. 

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Prof.Dr. EL-Sayed EL-kady, the university president hosts, in his office, the delegation of Limkowking University that includes Nermina Siumilitchy, the coordinator of the post-graduate studies and Muhammad Tarek, the head of  Arab students exchange in the Malaysian university. This meeting is held at the presence of prof.Dr. Hesham Abu EL-Enin, the vice president of post-graduate studies and research, prof.Dr. Ghazy Assasa, the university president’s chancellor of international relationships and IT and his deputy, prof.Dr. Muhammad Ghanem to discuss the ways of cooperation between the two education edifices. 

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Benha University organizes, in cooperation with special education and rehabilitation organization and the Islamic world council on disability and rehabilitation, an educational forum that is about the rights of the disabled in the Arab world in 16-8-2017. This forum is held under the auspices of prof.Dr. El-Sayed EL-kady, the university and at the presence of prof.Dr. Muhammad Bin Hamoud EL-Tareky, the head of the Islamic world council on disability and rehabilitation in the kingdom of Saudi Arabia. This forum comes in accordance with the Egyptian president’s initiative to make 2018 the year of the disabled in the Arab World. 

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Prof.Dr. El-Sayed El-Kady, the university president inaugurates the first educational forum of the armed forces in the Egyptian universities. The inauguration is attended by major general/ Khalid Tawfik, the leader of defensive troops, major general/ El-Sayed Ghaly, the head of the war veterans association, the university’s vice presidents, the faculties’ deans, the faculties’ deputies, the faculties’ members , the employees and the stduents. 

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