Vision, Mission, and Objectives

Vision of the General Civil Engineering Program

The General Civil Engineering Program at Shoubra Faculty of Engineering aspires to be the most distinguished program locally, regionally, and nationally. It aims to incorporate specialized engineering institutions in structural and technological engineering sciences in light of continuous research and development, communication, and collaboration with local and international research and scientific institutions. The program seeks to prepare civil engineers capable of innovation and entrepreneurship in civil engineering fields to contribute to achieving sustainable development goals.

Mission of the General Civil Engineering Program

The General Civil Engineering Program is committed to preparing specialized engineering professionals by equipping them with the necessary knowledge, scientific skills, and advanced technological expertise. This will enable them to compete locally, regionally, and internationally in the job market, lead specialized engineering institutions in civil engineering fields, and conduct advanced engineering research and studies to solve societal problems. The program adheres to human values, social responsibility, and aims to achieve sustainable development goals.

Vision of the Structural Engineering Program

The Structural Engineering Program aspires to excellence locally, regionally, and internationally by offering educational programs, scientific research, and community services focused on innovation, entrepreneurship, and achieving sustainable development goals in structural engineering.

Mission of the Structural Engineering Program

The Structural Engineering Program is committed to delivering a high-quality, advanced educational program in structural engineering, along with scientific research, innovation, and entrepreneurship. The program is dedicated to preparing graduates who are capable of innovation and entrepreneurship and competing in the job market locally and regionally, all while upholding human values and social responsibility.

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