Important Announcements for Students
Final Exams Schedule for the First Semester 251 of the Academic Year 2024/2025 (New and Old Bylaws)
Educational Schedule for the First Semester 251 of the Academic Year 2024/2025 (New and Old Bylaws)

Finalized Schedule with Classrooms for Specialized Courses of the Construction Engineering and Management Program for the Summer Semester (243), Academic Year 2023/2024 (Old Bylaw)

Photos from the Graduation Ceremony of Shoubra Faculty of Engineering Students for the Academic Year 2023/2024

Finalized Schedule with Classrooms for Specialized Courses of the Construction Engineering and Management Program for the Summer Semester (242), Academic Year 2023/2024 (Old and New Bylaws)

Finalized Schedule with Classrooms for Specialized Courses of the Construction Engineering and Management Program for the First Semester (241), Academic Year 2023/2024 (Old and New Bylaws)

General and Basic Science Course Schedule for the First Semester 241 with Classroom Locations for the Academic Year 2023/2024 (Old and New Bylaws)

Announcement of Results for Credit-Hour Programs for the Summer Semester 233, Academic Year 2022/2023. Results are available at the program offices, the Student Affairs Department, and have been emailed to students.
The appeal submission period is open for the following programs: Electrical and Control, Energy, and Industrial Engineering on Wednesday, 30/8/2023, and Thursday, 31/8/2023, until 2:00 PM, and for Communications and Computers and Construction Engineering on Thursday, 31/8/2023, and Sunday, 3/9/2023, until 2:00 PM. Appeals results will be announced on the evening of Sunday, 3/9/2023.
Best wishes for success.
Final Exam Schedule for the Summer Semester of the Construction Engineering and Management Program (233), Academic Year 2022/2023
Academic Timeline for the First Semester (241), Academic Year 2023/2024
*Important Announcement*
Special announcement for second-chance students (holders of a bachelor's degree from public universities who also hold a high school diploma in science/mathematics or an equivalent Azhar secondary science diploma):
The program's board of directors has approved the enrollment of second-chance students in the Construction Engineering and Management Program starting from the first semester of the academic year 2023/2024. Early registration starts on 15 August 2023 and ends on 7 September 2023.
20% Exam Schedule for the Construction Engineering and Management Program and Other Programs for the Summer Semester 233, Academic Year 2022/2023
30% Exam Schedule for the Construction Engineering and Management Program and Other Programs for the Summer Semester 233, Academic Year 2022/2023
Schedule for the Construction Engineering and Management Program – Summer Semester (233), Academic Year 2022/2023
Academic Timeline for the Summer Semester (233), Academic Year 2022/2023
Admission Open for Students to Enroll in the Second Semester of the Program
Important Links
Criteria for Selecting Academic Coordinators and Their Roles:
Teaching and Learning Policies:
Field Training:
Learning Outcome Assessment:
Admission and Transfer Policies:
Academic Support:
Adopting New Competence-Based NARS Academic Standards:
Faculty Training Needs:
Student Activity Plan:
Criteria for Selecting Faculty Members for Teaching in the Program:
Approved Mechanisms for Evaluating the Performance of Faculty Members and Teaching Assistants:
Criteria for Evaluating Faculty Members and Assistants:
Approved Plan for Faculty Capacity and Skills Development:
Incentives and Accountability: