Program Coordinator's Message
In the name of Allah, the Most Gracious, the Most Merciful

Dear Students, welcome to the Construction Engineering and Management Program, one of the most distinguished programs at the Faculty of Engineering, Shoubra – Benha University. We extend our utmost respect and admiration to you, as you are the pride of our country, and upon you rests the hope for a bright future for our beloved Egypt. You are the foundation in building and developing the nation, for engineers have always been the architects of progress and the backbone of development in all areas of life.
The program was established under Ministerial Decree No. (907) dated February 22, 2017, in response to the significant growth in the construction sector both locally and globally in recent years. This, combined with the tremendous technological advancements in the engineering field, particularly in construction projects, and the evolving needs of the labor market, underscored the necessity to enhance the design and execution skills of civil engineering graduates to keep pace with these changes and demands. Therefore, the Construction Engineering and Management Program at the Faculty of Engineering, Shoubra, aims to develop the technical and managerial skills of its graduates to qualify them for designing concrete structures, supervising execution, and efficiently managing construction sites, in line with the latest project management techniques. This enables our graduates to compete with local and international program graduates, making them highly sought after in the Egyptian and Arab job markets.
I wish you all the best of luck and success. Always strive to acquire knowledge and gain the technical skills that you will find within this program, taught by a distinguished team of faculty members.
Program Coordinator
Prof. Dr. Mohamed Ibrahim