Department Head’s Message
Dear Freshmen Students, Welcome to the Beginning of Your University Life

I would like to introduce you to the Department of Basic Sciences at the Faculty of Engineering. This department has a unique nature as it provides students with all the necessary information for the various engineering departments, which will prepare you for engineering studies within the departments of the faculty. Below are the subjects that you will be studying:
Mathematics Course
We all know the importance of mathematics in various sciences, especially in engineering studies, as it provides solutions and methods for recording engineering problems and finding solutions. Due to its importance, mathematics continues with engineering students until advanced stages of study, including postgraduate levels in some engineering departments.
Physics Course
This course teaches students the importance of physics and its role in scientific progress and advancing human civilization to higher levels. Certain topics are selected to prepare students for the various engineering departments, and physics is one of the qualifying subjects for some departments. A higher grade is required for acceptance into these departments. Therefore, I advise students to commit to attending lectures, exercises, and labs in order to gain the maximum benefit from the material.
Chemistry Course
This course provides students with all the necessary information about various fields of chemistry, which they will use in their studies within the engineering departments and in practical applications where chemistry plays a significant role, including the chemical properties of the materials used in various engineering applications.
Mechanics Course
This course advances students’ understanding in the engineering field, enabling them to analyze different types of motion and equilibrium. It also involves studying forces and the rules governing equilibrium.
There are other courses such as Engineering Drawing and Computer Science, but I will stop here with this brief overview of the role of the Basic Sciences Department in the various engineering specializations and studies at the faculty.
In conclusion, I urge my dear students to work diligently and sincerely, seeking the pleasure of Allah, so that you become a positive and effective source in serving our beloved Egypt on all levels.
Prof. Dr. Ahmed Abdullah
Head of the Department of Basic Sciences