Program Coordinator's Message


Dear Students,

Welcome to the Communication and Computer Engineering Program, one of the most distinguished programs at the Faculty of Engineering, Shoubra – Benha University. We extend our utmost respect and appreciation to you as the pride of our nation, on whom we place great hopes for a promising future for our beloved Egypt. You are the cornerstone of building and developing our country, as engineers are always the pioneers of progress and the foundation of advancement in all areas of life. Strive to gain knowledge and acquire the technical skills that the program offers through the expertise of the best faculty members, both locally and internationally.

The program was established by Ministerial Decree No. 907 on 22/02/2017. It focuses on broad fields related to software engineering, hardware, telecommunications, and networks. It offers specializations in wireless communications and networks, cellular and satellite networks, microprocessor systems, electronic and optical communication systems, embedded systems, computer design, programming fundamentals, engineering software, and robotics. The program places a strong emphasis on computer engineering, mobile and pervasive computing, software production lines, cloud computing, embedded systems, multimedia, and 3D graphics.

Graduates of this program have diverse opportunities in the competitive job market across various sectors. They can specialize in the following fields: Software systems - Control systems - Web/Mobile application development - Data communications - System analysis and design - Computer networks - Network and information security - Design and implementation of electronic system circuits - Design and implementation of advanced communication circuits - Installation of communication devices - Development of communication and - electronics systems using embedded systems - Developing software solutions using various technologies and architectures - Software analysis, modeling, and design - Embedded systems - Computer graphics and multimedia - Cloud computing - Mobile computing.

Program Coordinator 

Prof. Dr. Hala Abdelkader

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