Internal Combustion Lab
Lab Activities
- Calibration of Pressure Measuring Meters.
- Calibration of Thermometers.
- Designing Boilers and Spark Plugs as well as calibrating their Efficiency.
- Providing consultations of Industrial Ovens Equipment and Medical Incinerators.
- Environmental Monitoring of pollutants resulting from various industrial activities.
- Various measures of heat stress processes in factories and various work environments.
- Measuring the capacities of different engines.
- Training technicians and engineers to manage combustion systems.
- Training technicians and managers of ecosystems in factories.
Research Activities
- Researches in the field of internal combustion engines.
- Researches in the field of primers systems.
- Researches in the field of fuel cells.
- Developing alternatives for the conventional fuels.
- Researches in the field of hydrogen production and storage.
- Researches in hydrogen use in the field of internal combustion.
Courses organized by the Lab
- Courses in designing and operating boilers.
- Courses in maintaining internal combustion engines.
- Courses in organizing workshops of car engines maintenance.
- Courses in operating and maintaining medical incinerators as well as incinerating organic waste.
- Courses in medical waste management.
- Courses in fuel cells.
- Courses in new and renewable energy.