
Manuscript Template 

Maximum length of paper is 15 pages. Extra pages will be at additional charge.

The margins in all pages - except the first page - are 3 cm for all sides of the page. Only the first page should have 6 cm margin from the top. Text should be justified to the left and right margins.

All sections of the paper are to be typed using Microsoft Word, Times New Roman font, size 12 single spacing. Only abstract shall be typed as boldface. For Arabic manuscripts, use Simplified Arabic font, size 14 single spacing.

Each paper must start with the abstract and end with conclusions with the main body of the paper arranged in between. Acknowledgements, if provided, shall be placed immediately after the conclusions and before the references. Other materials such as list of symbols, appendixes ... etc. are to be placed after the references.

An extra blank line is to be provided between the separate sections and subsections.

Paper title and author(s) name(s)

Paper title is to be typed in bold capital letters, size 16, and placed centered.

Author(s) name(s) should be typed in plain capital letters size 12 bold, centered and placed 2 spaces under the paper title.

Author(s) title(s) and affiliation(s) should be typed in initial capital, letters size 10, centered and placed single space under author(s) name(s).

Another 3 line spaces are to be provided between author's affiliation and the abstract title.


English abstract should be provided at the beginning of the paper with the word ABSTRACT as heading. For Arabic manuscript English abstract shall be provided after the Arabic abstract.

The abstract must be typed bold font size 12.

The abstract should contain a summary of highlights of the paper, a statement of the research problem and the nature of approach, content and key finding.


Five to ten keywords must be provided on a separate line after the abstract and preceded by the word KEYWORD.


Major headings are to be boldface, size 12 all capital letters, with Arabic numerals starting with e.g. 1. INTRODUCTION: and ending with the conclusions.

Second level headings are to be bold size 12 initial capital letters.

Third level headings are to be bold size 12 with only the first letter of the heading to be capital letter.

An extra blank line should be provided after group of headings.


Footnotes can be used, typed size 10 numbered where they appear, and separated from the text by a short line.

Figures and tables

Captions should be located  centered under the figure and justified left on the top of the table. They should be clearly distinguished from the text and the figure or table by providing enough space before and after each caption. They should start with the word Fig. (1) ... or Table (1) ....

Figures and tables are to be totally integrated within the text.

Words, symbols and numbers within figures and tables should correspond with those in the text. They should be written with the same font and size.

A blank border not less than 1.5 cm around figures and tables should be provided.


Equations must be allowed sufficient space to ensure clarity.

Equations must be numbered consecutively. No portion of any equation is to be hand-written and all symbols should be in italics.


References should be cited in the text between square brackets e.g. [7], and listed at the end of the paper with the word REFERENCES as heading.

The references list should contain only those cited in the text, numbered in the order alphabetically.

Arrangement of references list is to be typed size 10, starting with reference number - author's initial and name - publication year - reference title (boldface) - edition - volume number ... Etc. and publisher.

Other Articles

Other publishing materials like short communications, technical notes ... Etc. should be submitted in a similar fashion, no abstract is required.


The view expressed in the published articles are strictly those of the author(s). They do not necessarily  represent the views of any member in the Boards.